We are committed to a genuine consultation on next gen capabilities, and we want to hear a wide range of views from a broad range of stakeholders.  

It is important to emphasise that there have been no decisions or commitments made to implement the next gen capabilities set out in the consultation paper, and there are no predetermined outcomes or timelines.  

This reflects that while Payments NZ can lead and coordinate industry efforts, it will take many organisations to deliver next gen payments, and any delivery will require the broad support and commitment from a critical mass of payments stakeholders. 

We are confident the consultation paper is directionally on track as it reflects extensive research and stakeholder input and feedback to date. However, Payments NZ recognises several important realities that provide the contextual setting for this consultation: 

  • This is the first opportunity for a wide range of stakeholders to react to a complete view of our next gen payments work.  
  • We invite respondents to consider the consultation paper and the consultation questions. We encourage inclusion of relevant internal stakeholders who have not been close to the next gen payments work programme to date, and welcome new perspectives as part of your feedback. 
  • While the consultation paper is centred around where the most common industry ground is to modernise the account-to-account payments ecosystem of Aotearoa, there are diverse and contrasting views across the industry.  
  • Payments are a dynamic environment where issues and priorities are constantly shifting. 

It is within this context that we welcome you or your organisation’s constructive challenge and articulation of what you would like for the future of the payments ecosystem of Aotearoa.  

The consultation period is open until 28 March 2025

Click here to download Consultation on payments for the next generation

Click here for the consultation questions document.

Click here to provide your feedback.

Any questions you may have in relation to the consultation or requests for further information can be submitted here: Next generation payments.

Want to know more? 

Click here for frequently asked questions.